Tuesday October 11, 2022

Developing Full Ranges of Motion Every Single Class

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: Cardio MetCon



4 Rounds
1:30 Row for Cals
2:00 Rest

4 x 3:00 Rounds

550m Run**
Rest with Remaining Time in Each Round

4 Rounds

1:30 Air Bike for Cals
2:00 Rest

*Start at any station

**Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 400m Runs
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 300m Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs

Supplemental Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

CrossFit Competitors

In addition to class

10 Sets of 1 (80% - 1 RTM)


Clean + Jerk
10 Sets of 1 + 1 (80% - 1 RTM)


Snatch Pulls
10 Sets of 1 (110%)

Wednesday October 12, 2022


Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: Strength

Bench Press

Warm-up Sets
1 Set of 5 (40%) -10:30
1 Set of 5 (55%) -9:00
1 Set of 4 (65%) -7:30
1 Set of 3 (75%) -6:00
1 Set of 2 (80%) -4:00
1 Set of 1 (85%) -2:00

Working Sets
3:30 Rounds

Option 1: 1 RM Cycle
1 Set of 1 (90%)
1 Set of 1 (95%)
1 Set of 1 (100%)
1 Set of 1 (102%) or 1 Set of 5 (75%)

Option 2: Strength Cycle
1 Set of 5 (80%)
1 Set of 5 (1 RIR)
1 Set of 5 (-15% from Set 2)
1 Set of 5 (Same as Set 3)

Section 2: Muscle Building MetCon

10-Minutes FIIT

Continue the rep schemes until you cannot complete the specified number of reps in one unbroken set for an exercise.
1-2-3-...-(+1) Strict Pull-up
2-4-6-...-(+2) Push-ups

----Short Rest----

20-Second Max Effort Air Bike Sprint

----Short Rest----


Repeat, starting at 1 strict pull-up and 2 push-ups

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

None Today

Thursday October 13, 2022


Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: Spartan Beast Race Prep

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: Strength

Back Squat

Warm-up Sets
1 Set of 5 (40%) -10:30
1 Set of 5 (55%) -9:00
1 Set of 4 (65%) -7:30
1 Set of 3 (75%) -6:00
1 Set of 2 (80%) -4:00
1 Set of 1 (85%) -2:00

Working Sets
3:30 Rounds

Option 1: 1 RM Cycle
1 Set of 1 (90%)
1 Set of 1 (95%)
1 Set of 1 (100%)
1 Set of 1 (102%) or 1 Set of 5 (75%)

Option 2: Strength Cycle
1 Set of 5 (80%)
1 Set of 5 (1 RIR)
1 Set of 5 (-15% from Set 2)
1 Set of 5 (Same as Set 3)

Section 2: MetCon

21-15-9 Reps FIIT
Squat Cleans (50%)

Supplemental Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

Spartan Beast Prep

Instead of Class,

1 Hour Easy Run

Friday October 14, 2022

Mike and Alejandro

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: Cardio MetCon

Starting on Either the Rower or the Air Bike

1-Minute Hard
1-Minute Easy
1-Minute Rest
1-Minute Hard
1-Minute Easy
1-Minute Rest
1-Minute Hard
1-Minute Easy
1-Minute Rest

----1-Minute Extra Rest----

Repeat on Other Machine

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

None Today

Saturday October 15, 2022


Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors*, Spartan Beast Prep, Upper Body Muscle Building

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: MetCon

2 Rounds*
2-Minute Air Bike for Highest Maintained Cadence
2-Minute Rest
2-Minute Ring Muscle-ups or Burpee Pull-ups
2-Minute Rest
2-Minute Wallballs (Light)
2-Minute Rest
2-Minute AbMat Sit-ups
2-Minute Rest

*Start at any station.

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

Spartan Beast Prep (Taper)

45min Slow Run

Upper Body Muscle Building

3 x Hard* Supersets
a. Weighted Ring Dips
b. Weighted Strict Pull-ups
c. Butterfly Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*1 RIR, 0 RIR for Last Sets
**Choose a variation that allows for 10-25 reps on your first round.


3 Rounds
a) Band Chest Flys
b) Band Reverse Flys
c) Strict Hanging Alternating Single Knee Raises

*1 RIR, 0 RIR for Last Sets

CrossFit Competitor

Follow regular class programming and complete the first super set in the Upper Body Muscle Building section above.

Sunday October 16, 2022




Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors, Spartan Beast Prep, Lower Body Muscle Building

Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle

In addition to the mobility we do in class,

Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day

Section 1: MetCon

5 x 6-Minute Rounds
40-sec Row for Cals
20-sec Transition
40-sec KB Swings (Heavy)
20-sec Transition
400m Run*
Rest with Remaining Time

*Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 400m Runs
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 400-200-400 Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

Spartan Beast Prep

Rest or 3-Mile Easy Run

Lower Body Muscle Building

10 Sets 1 (80%-1 RTM)


Clean + Jerk
10 Sets 1 (80%-1 RTM)


Clean Pulls
10 Sets of 1 (110%)


9 x 1:00 Rounds
2 Back Squats (80%)


1 x Hard* Sets
Back Rack Alternating Lunges (50% of Back Squat Max)

*2 RIR

CrossFit Competitor

Complete the class and the lower body muscle building section.

Monday October 3, 2022

Congrats Mike and Katie for their 1st place DUBS finish!!!

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 10 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 2 of 4

Daily, At-Home Mobility

Section 1: Power

Option 1

10-Minute EMOM FIIT
1 Clean (75%+)

Option 2

10-Minute EMOM FIIT
5 Double KB Russian Swings (Medium+)
5 Burpees

Section 2: MetCon

33%MAX Strict Chin-ups
10 Double DB Front-Rack Lunges (50/35/25/15/Heavy)
10 Double DB Devil's Presses
10 Double DB Front-Rack Lunges

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

None Today

Tuesday October 4, 2022


Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 10 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 2 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors

Daily, At-Home Mobility

Section 1: Cardio MetCon



4 Rounds
1:15 Row for Cals
1:45 Rest

4 Rounds
1:15 Air Bike for Cals
1:45 Rest

4 x 3:00 Rounds
400m Run**
Rest with Remaining Time in Each Round

*Start at any station

**Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 400m Runs
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 300m Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs

Supplemental Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

CrossFit Competitors

In addition to class

10 Sets of 1 (80%+)


Clean + Jerk
10 Sets of 1 + 1 (80%+)


Snatch Pulls
10 Sets of 1 (110%)