Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 11 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 3 of 4
Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle
In addition to the mobility we do in class,
Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day
Section 1: Strength
Warm-up Sets
1 Set of 5 (40%) -10:30
1 Set of 5 (55%) -9:00
1 Set of 4 (65%) -7:30
1 Set of 3 (75%) -6:00
1 Set of 2 (80%) -4:00
1 Set of 1 (85%) -2:00
Working Sets
3:30 Rounds
Option 1: 1 RM Cycle
1 Set of 1 (90%)
1 Set of 1 (95%)
1 Set of 1 (100%)
1 Set of 1 (102%) or 1 Set of 5 (75%)
Option 2: Strength Cycle
1 Set of 5 (80%)
1 Set of 5 (1 RIR)
1 Set of 5 (-15% from Set 2)
1 Set of 5 (Same as Set 3)
Section 2: Muscle Building MetCon
10-Minutes FIIT
Continue the rep schemes until you cannot complete the specified number of reps in one unbroken set for an exercise.
1-2-3-...-(+1) Strict Pull-up
2-4-6-...-(+2) Push-ups
----Short Rest----
20-Second Max Effort Air Bike Sprint
----Short Rest----
Repeat, starting at 1 strict pull-up and 2 push-ups