Monday October 3, 2022

Congrats Mike and Katie for their 1st place DUBS finish!!!

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 10 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 2 of 4

Daily, At-Home Mobility

Section 1: Power

Option 1

10-Minute EMOM FIIT
1 Clean (75%+)

Option 2

10-Minute EMOM FIIT
5 Double KB Russian Swings (Medium+)
5 Burpees

Section 2: MetCon

33%MAX Strict Chin-ups
10 Double DB Front-Rack Lunges (50/35/25/15/Heavy)
10 Double DB Devil's Presses
10 Double DB Front-Rack Lunges

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

None Today