Adam (Principal) and Elizabeth from the Griffin School PE Class
Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 8 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Transition Week
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors (None on Transition Weeks for Fatigue Management)
Daily, At-Home Mobility
Section 1: Cardio MetCon
"The MovementLink Threshold"
4-Minute AMRAP
Max Calorie Air Bike
----9-Minute Rest----
4-Minute AMRAP
Max Calorie Row
----9-Minute Rest----
4-Minute AMRAP
Burpee Plate Jump
Supplemental Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
CrossFit Competitors
None on Transition Weeks for Fatigue Management