Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 5 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Strength Week 1 of 3
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors
Section 1: Cardio MetCon
4 x 9-Minute Rounds FIIT
Start at any station, but rotate through in order, performing one of the below in each round:
1,000m/800m Row*
Rest with Remaining Time in Round
1,200m Run**
Rest with Remaining Time in Round
1.5-Mile/1.2-Mile Air Bike*
Rest with Remaining Time in Round
1,200m Run**
Rest with Remaining Time in Round
*Row | Air Bike Scaling
Sub 1:40 Best 500m Row Time: 1,000m Row | 1.5-Mile Air Bike
1:40+ Best 500m Row: 800m Row | 1.2-Mile Air Bike
**Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 1,200m Run
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 800m Run
10:00+ Best Mile: 600m Run
Supplemental Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
CrossFit Competitors
Hang Snatch
8 Sets of 2 (60%+)
Hang Clean + Push Jerk
8 Sets of 2 + 1 (60%+)
Snatch Pulls
8 Sets of 2 (100%)