Coach Alejandro and Coach Mike video analyzing their snatches
Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 2 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Hypertrophy/Week 2 of 3
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors
Section 1: Cardio MetCon
You may start at any station
3 x 2:30 Rounds
400m Medium* Run
Rest with Remaining Time in Each Round
——2:30 Rest——
3 x 2:30 Rounds
400m Hard Rower**
Rest with Remaining Time in Each Round
——2:30 Rest——
3 x 2:30 Rounds
400m Hard Run
Rest with Remaining Time in Each Round
——2:30 Rest——
3 x 2:30 Rounds
0.5 Mile Hard Air Bike**
*Start at any station, but proceed in order, except your first time at the runs will always be medium and your second time at the runs will be hard. Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 400m Runs 7:30 - 10:00 Best Mile: 400m-200m-400m 10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs
**Sub 1:40 Best 500m Row: 400m Row | 0.5 mile Bike
1:40+ Best 500m Row: 320m Row | 0.4 mile Bike
You should have about 45+ sec rests in each round (except for maybe the easy run rounds). It is very likely that many members will need to scale run distances to accomplish this. On the rower / air bike, we are going to cap each round with 45 seconds left in the round. Your coach will help you with scaling the run distances if needed.
Supplemental Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
CrossFit Competitors
In Addition to Class
8 Sets
3 Hip-hang Snatches (55%+)
8 Sets
2 High-hang Cleans + 1 Jerk with 5-second Overhead Hold (55%+)
5 Sets
3 Snatch Pulls (95% 1 RM Snatch)