Tuesday August 16, 2022

Danny, Heather, April

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 3 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Hypertrophy/Week 3 of 3

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors

Section 1: Cardio MetCon

Start on Rower or Air Bike

3 Rounds For Calories

1:30 For Calories
1:15 Slow
0:15 Transition
3:00 Rest

---3-Min Rest----

Repeat on other Machine

*Score is total calories from both machines during the 1:30 intervals.

Supplemental Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

CrossFit Competitors

In Addition to Class

8 Sets
3 Hip-hang Snatches (55%+)


8 Sets
2 High-hang Cleans + 1 Jerk with 5-second Overhead Hold (55%+)


5 Sets
3 Snatch Pulls (100% 1 RM Snatch)