Da Mama
Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 7 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Strength Week 3 of 3
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors, Spartan Beast Prep, Upper Body Muscle Building
Section 1: Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon)
30-Minute AMRAP
400m Run*
10 Double DB Push Presses (50s/35s/25s/15s/Medium)
15 KB Swings (70/53/35/25/Heavy)
10 Box Jumps (Step Down, 24"/20"/16"/12"/Low)
*Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 400m Runs
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 300m Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs
Specialty Program Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
Spartan Beast Prep
10-Mile Run
Upper Body Muscle Building
Bench Press*
1 Set of 6 (40%)
1 Set of 3 (55%)
1 Set of 3 (65%)
1 Set of 3 (70%)
3 Sets of 6 (75%)
After each of the last 3 sets, hard* superset of:
a) Strict Chin-ups
b) Band Crunches
*1-2 RIR
**Choose a variation that allows for 10-30 reps on your first round.
3 Rounds
a) Hard* Set Double DB Chest Flys
b) 1-Minute Hard Arms-only Row
c) Hard* Set Strict Hanging Knee Raises
*1-2 RIR
**Choose a variation that allows for 8-15 reps on your first round.
CrossFit Competitor
Take the class and perform section 1) from the Upper Body Muscle Building Above