Garry and April
Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 3 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Hypertrophy/Week 3 of 3
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors, Spartan Beast Prep, Upper Body Muscle Building
Section 1: Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon)
5-Minute AMRAP with a Partner
Sharing Reps Any Way
20 DB One-arm Alternating Snatches (Heavy)
20 Lateral Burpees
----5-min Rest----
15-Minute AMRAP with a Partner
Sharing Reps Any Way
20 DB One-arm Alternating Snatches (Heavy)
20 Lateral Burpees
Specialty Program Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
Spartan Beast Prep
7-Mile Run
Upper Body Muscle Building
Ring Muscle-up or Bar Muscle-up Practice
If proficient,
1 Max Set of Ring Muscle Ups
3 Hard* Supersets
a. Strict Ring Dips**
b. Horizontal Ring Rows**
c. Barbell Ab Roll-outs**
*Rounds 1&2: 1-2 RIR (Reps in Reserve)
Round 3: 0 RIR (Failure)
**Choose a variation that allows for 8-12 reps on your first round.
CrossFit Competitor
Complete the class programming and the Upper Body Muscle Building Section.