CrossFit City Limits,
This is a short note to personally say thank you and let you know how much I appreciate the time you have spent with me over the years as my CrossFit trainers.
As you may recall, I came to your box in September 2012 at the urging of my son Steve. At that time I was 59 years old, had given up playing basketball to stay in shape (because I was hurting myself and others) a few years earlier and besides the one workout, about a month earlier, with Steve in his VA box I had no exposure to the CrossFit type of workout. You also may recall a 400m run totally winded me, I had no real experience with weightlifting and my original box jump was 3 inches. I’m sure you were very excited to see this old, out of shape dude roll in!
Well, I’m 62 years old now and your coaching has allowed me to stay at it. I am amazed that, at my age, I keep making progress. I couldn’t have even gotten started without your welcoming attitude, positive reinforcement, constructive criticism, and your outstanding teaching skills. I can now do a ton of 24 inch box jumps in a work-out, I am squatting 255lbs, can actually consider a 400m run a warm-up, and feel incredibly healthy. You have taken your responsibility as my coaches very seriously while at the same time making sure things stay light during training sessions so it remains enjoyable for all.
I appreciate the gym welcoming the old dude in and making me feel a part of the community.
Gary S