I am a former collegiate volleyball and basketball athlete who was used to working out and training with a purpose. At 33, I found that I was no longer getting the most out of my workouts. I wanted to incorporate weight lifting, cardio and other strength exercise into my routine, but wasn’t sure how to do it on my own. In college, I used to have an entire team of trainers and athletes to work out with. I was becoming less and less motivated and knew I needed a change. My journey with CrossFit City Limits began in December 2013. Outside of needing a workout change, I also had an initial goal to prepare for a destination wedding and look good in my swimsuit! CrossFit City Limits has thoughtful coaches who took seriously my personal goals. They have shown me how to scale movements to my abilities, but still challenge myself and get better. I have been with them long enough to now see that they were not simply making movements easier for me, they were building my foundation and progressing me through different movements to where now I am doing all of the complicated movements used in CrossFit. They have a keen sense of how to explain lifts and break down movements to a level that allows me to understand and mimic. They seriously takes into consideration utilizing the safest and most appropriate form, saving me from injury and allowing me to get into positions to be a serious athlete again. Their coaching style displays patience, motivation in my individual ability, and sincere encouragement to be an all-around better athlete. The gym and community have pushed me to learn how to fail without being a failure allowing me to now have done things I didn’t think were possible.
It didn’t take long before I knew I would stick with it, even beyond the wedding, to continue meeting my overall fitness goals. Now 3 ½ years in, I’m comfortable doing Olympic-style weightlifting, like a squat snatch and clean and jerk, and am again confident in my physical abilities to allow me to take on anything the real world throws at me. I have even mastered a muscle up! My husband, also a former college basketball athlete, had seen my progress over the years and has now joined me in this journey. We are two very different body styles, but the coaches are able to highlight our strengths and focus the gym's training for us in ways that benefit our individuality and different styles of working out. Everything we learn from the coaches we carry over and apply to our lives outside of the gym.
CrossFit City Limits has made working out fun again and has created a community that surrounds us that keeps us going. It is a positive environment that continues to motivate me to do more. The devotion of the CrossFit City Limits team and those I work out with is infectious!