"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds"
-Bob Marley
Your mind is your home. You are the only one living inside of your head. A wild thing. You’re the engineer. The captain. Pilot. Ultimate operator. You. Only you. Mental slavery refers to how we self filter, and either imprison our thoughts +emotions, or set ourselves free from what was recieved. Unhappiness is mental slavery. Not letting go of unpleasant thoughts, is mental slavery. What is difficult about walking away from thoughts?
Not having a resolution to a perceived problem. Or feeling satisfaction from the conclusion. The relief. Relief fufills our need to breath more confidently. The repitition in thought.. thinking so much as if this problem will go away.. can be a sneaky trap. Sucking you in, convincing yourself that you “really” don’t feel a certain way, or that there’s a better answer.. so you keep searching your mind for that at ease moment. And yet, we generally never find it. Only more confused, more upset, and trapped than when the original problem arised.
Give yourself a break.
When things come up, come at you, or present themselves in finicky ways. In order to combat the repetitive thinkery, welcome the things that don’t feel good. Whether thats a workout, a rough conversation, disagreement, etc.. welcome it and sit with the feelings it brings in. Understand your root as to why it causes you to be a certain way. Allow it to flow through you, and pass.
Holding on to grudges, things that won’t quickly change, and pent up aggressive thoughts + energy does nothing for us, but keep us down. There’s no sense in holding on to the things that do not serve us or keep us elevated and growing. Even the difficult times are here to bring you up to that next life level. That’s if you can let go of the unnecessary thoughts and patterns.
Mental slavery was not designed for man. It is a state of suffering for those that are lost. We were born to be free, it’s okay to let your mind breath.
And let the wild things roam.