Hurt Is Blind.

"A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinion of what happens".
Michel de Montaigne

It’s not the physical pain that matters. It’s the mental and emotional pain that comes with things that have hurt. How we perceive the world around us, interpret our experiences, and understand pain through every process… it another chance for us to grow closer to the human being we serve. OURSELF.

Goodbye, Calvin..jpg

Giving yourself a chance to process emotional and mental pains, take time. As experiences happen, it’s easier to digest how we feel. When we go through physical trauma and beat up on our bodies, it’s easier to understand when and how the healing will flow. Usually we get a nice timeline to expect our bodies recovery from what’s caused it harm. A broken bone? A nice cut? A strained muscle? Typically a few weeks of rest, good hygiene, and personal care… fix that sucker up. Depending on severity.. maybe even a surgery or so. But things are generally FIXABLE.

However, what about the pain your eyes, memories, and feelings see? No doctor, friend, or confidant can make clear on what your overcoming looks like. It’s up to you, to fight. And to not depend on others, to fight the process for you. It’s okay to reach for someone to help you manage the pain,

Not all of us, but I know most hurt souls try to bandage and mask the pain through what I call a “quick high”. The immediate release of hurt masked by the affirmation that they are okay through an external sourcing. We live in a time that everything is at the brink of our fingertips. EVERYTHING. Most stuff is a push, call, click, or tap away from being delivered and meeting your fast demand.

Emotional and mental healing, is not waiting for you to call it in. It is earned. It is waiting. You must find it. And you must be ready for it’s call. Life has it’s own way of dialing a needed connection.. in order to mend a broken spirit. “Things” don’t happen deliberately or on purpose to inflict pain and struggle. Unless that is the message in which needs to be heard, to finally overcome internal processing and live a happier life in your next chapter.  

Going back to understanding why things cause emotional and mental scars.. it is all in perception. How you shift your mindset around what has happened in a traumatic experience, will be how your scars sit within you. Being honest with the pain, processing it’s truth, and settling with it’s call to you. We often find ourselves wanting to run, hide, and bandage the hurt. Covering it up. Shutting it out. And pretending like it’s not happening. That only gets you so far before it shows right back up in another form.

Healing our inside takes some time. It’s not clear. Or provides that quick clarity. Clarity awaits at the finish line of this journey. Give yourself time to sit in it. Think on it. And be alone with it. Whatever you do.. don’t let it consume you for too long. Be really honest with it. Be questionable and direct. Dwelling in it’s nature brings back those cyclical experiences. We don’t want to repeat history, or let it continue on a continuous warpath to us, through feelings we are used to. Rip that E-Stop. You’ll know when it’s time. It rings.

Don’t hang up. Answer it’s call. Alright? It is okay. You needed it. In order to see a little bit further into where you belong, while taking forward steps to achieving wholeness.

Trust. And pick up. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
Calm the mind. Nothing is permanent.

Everything is going to be just fine.