“Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually,
we are as good as dead.”
-Morihei Ueshiba
Life has a funny, unexpected, and sometimes…. tragic way of showing up when we need it to. Resistance. A word that a lot of us struggle with. Or resist. Resisting the resistance to what/where/how our inner voices, feelings, and desires are navigating. The gut tremors that rattle our bones, is a guide. That pitted feeling we all get from time to time. When it’s down to the wire to make quick or important decisions. We may listen, we may not. Reflecting on all the chaos that is going on around us, this is a great time to dive inward. And remind yourself on where you are sitting. Where are your surroundings. Where is your comfort. Where is your home? What does ‘that’ mean to you?
Over the time of evolution.. humans have adapted to new ways of living. It’s survival. Be that through technology advances, social stigmas, medicine, etc etc. We have come a long way from our ancestral days. However, that’s not to say we aren’t ruminants of our ancestors. What I mean by that… is we still have our hardwired bodies, brains, and biomechanics.. ancestrally rhythmed to primal bow-hunting, naked spear-fishing, badassery within all of us.
As time continues to go on, socially we adapt. Adapting to modern cultures on what may be perceived as “acceptable” or “not”. However, with so much adaptation around modern times, I feel we have lost touch for what life truly means… and feels like. Social media’s growth over the past 10 years has had a substantial economic and cultural shift in how we function within society. It’s been a great way to connect to headline news, people, friends, family, and indulging in the guiltiness of capital gluttony. But when do we reach a point of fading too far from a platform built on connection? Not self-disconnection.
Life is growth. Growing with the aches and pains of chaos, success, failures, and overcoming. Too often I find that humans fall victim to comparison of “growth”. And then facing the inevitable detachment of purpose. *Insert the awakening spirit here.. Beginning the journey in finding our true selves. For those who never find it, are commonly the ones who continue to get lost in comparing to others, on what’s “supposed” to be the norm, or fitting a scrolled stereotype… and never fighting for “what is” the norm. Everyone’s normal is different. And if we all fought for the same one, this world would be a hell of a lot more boring. Each of us is so uniquely different in many ways. Be little quirks, birthmarks, abilities, and gifts. If you haven’t found what free’s your soul. Don’t settle. Keep fighting. Keep believing you are more than a shell body. Keep aiming. Rolls with the misses… then shoot again. You will LAND. We all have to. We are more than data, a follower, and physical matter. Not letting your true spirit grow, is self robbery. You are better off dead. Embracing the quest of LIFE, means embracing SELF.
The reason we are all different in many ways.. is to learn from each other. Continuing to grow as human beings. Appreciating everyone’s spirit and how it’s not quite like yours, gives you a better understanding for how individualized we truly are. The beauty in loving, respecting, and honoring someone’s differences is what makes life worth living. Constant growth and appreciation for all.. especially in the midst of uncertainty and confusions makes the uncomfortableness a little less scary. Because you have an eye for understanding. With understanding, comes adaption. With adaption, comes growth. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Never stop learning. Forever a student to life. The listening teacher.
Constantly in evolution of self.
The moment you stop, you are as good as dead.