Heather, representing the CFLC green for Blake because he hasn’t painted something randomly green…yet!!!
Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 1 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Hypertrophy/Week 1 of 3
Section 1: MetCon
4 Rounds FIT*
0:45 Push Presses (40%)
0:15 Transition
0:45 Box Jumps (Low)
0:15 Transition
0:45 Strict Hanging Knee Raises
0:15 Transition
0:45 AbMat Sit-ups
0:15 Transition
*Start at any station except Sit-ups
Section 2: Hypertrophy
3 x Hard* Supersets
a. Bench Press (65%)
b. Bent-over Rows
*Hard = 3-4 RIR (Reps in Reserve)