Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 1 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Hypertrophy/Week 1 of 3
+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors, Spartan Beast Prep, Lower Body Muscle Building
Section 1: Partner MetCon
With a Partner*, Sharing Reps Any Way
Teams may start on either Machine
1,500m/1,350m/1,200m Row or 2-Mile/1.8-Mile/1.6-Mile Air Bike**
Then, 3 Rounds FIT
200m Double DB Farmers Carry (Heavy)
42 Double DB Thrusters
1,500m/1,350m/1,200m Row or 2-Mile/1.8-Mile/1.6-Mile Air Bike**
*For Teams of 3:
-1 Person at a time on rower/air bike.
-2,000m Row/2.5-Mile Air Bike
-2 People can work at a time on carries and thrusters.
-Bring 2 pairs of DBs on carries, but still go 200m.
-63 Thrusters/Round
**You team will start on either the rower or the air bike and then finish the workout on the other machine.
Row / Air Bike Scaling
Both Partners Sub 1:40 500m Row: 1,500m Row | 2-Mile Air Bike
One Partner Sub 1:40 500m Row: 1,350m Row | 1.8-Mile Air Bike
Both Partners 1:40+ 500m Row: 1,200m Row | 1.6-Mile Air Bike
Specialty Program Work
How and When to Add Bonus Work
Spartan Beast Prep
Rest or 3-Mile Easy Run
Lower Body Muscle Building
8 Sets
2 Hip-Hang Snatches + 1 Snatch (55%+)
5 Sets
3 Clean Pulls (90%)
20 Squat Cleans (70%)
2 x Hard* Sets on Each Leg
Bulgarian Split Squats
*4 RIR
CrossFit Competitor
Complete the class programming and the sections 1, 2, & 4 from the Lower Body Muscle Building section above.