Saturday October 8, 2022


Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 10 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 2 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors*, Spartan Beast Prep, Upper Body Muscle Building

Daily, At-Home Mobility

Section 1: MetCon*

4 Rounds FIIT
500m Row | 550m Run | .75-Mile Air Bike | 550m Run**
75%MAX Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups
75%MAX Strict Pull-ups

**Start on the rower, air bike, or the run and perform the next option the next round round following the order above.

**Row | Air Bike Scaling
Sub 1:40 Best 500m Row Time: 500m Row | 0.75-Mile Air Bike
1:40+ Best 500m Row: 400m Row | 0.6-Mile Air Bike

**Run Scaling
Sub 7:30 Best Mile: 550m Runs
7:30-10:00 Best Mile: 400m Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 300m Runs

*Want to Join Kyle and Make Today an Endure Challenge!!!

Coach Kyle is training for the Spartan Beast obstacle course race on Oct 22 and it is time in the program for a sport-specific, overloading workout…enter a 2 hour and 45 minute AMRAP!!! Kyle would LOVE to have some company, so if you are interested and up for a challenge, come join him!

Here’s what it’ll look like:

Starting at 8:45 AM

  • 8:45 AM - Chat about the workout and make sure you’re comfortable and understand the exercises and how to scale.

  • Warm-up with the 9 AM Class.

  • Start the workout with the 9 AM class, but replace the rows and the air bikes with running. Pace the workout like it’s a 2hr 45min AMRAP, so you should be going much slower than the rest of the class.

  • Immediately after the 4 Rounds, start the AMRAP listed below in the Spartan Beast Prep Section. Basically, it’s a bunch of slow 800m jogs separated by sandbag and other exercises.

  • AMRAP will end at 11:45 AM, so we can clean-up and get out of the way of the noon class.


  • If you are even mildly interested in possibly approaching this challenge, don’t get too worked up over the time domain. In these longer time domains, you just go really slow, take breaks, walk, get water, go to the restroom, etc. when you need. You are more capable than you think and although it will be hard, what may sound improbable to you will be manageable if you just take it one thing at a time.

  • If you are not interested in that much running, you can continue to alternate between rowing, air bike, and running the entire time.

  • There’s a water fountain at the gym, but if you’d like snacks or electrolytes, we’ll be going in and out of the gym over and over again, so, if you bring snacks, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to fuel up without having to carry everything with you.

  • Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, recommended.

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

Spartan Beast Prep

2-Hour & 45-Minute AMRAP FIIT
4 Rounds FIIT*
550m Run
75%MAX Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups
75%MAX Strict Pull-ups

Then, Immediately
AMRAP with Remaining Time**

200m Sandbag Carry (60)
2 Rig Climb-overs
25m Bear Crawl
25m SB Bear Hug (120)
30 Burpees
3 SB Clean and Jerk to Back Rack (120)
Rig Traverse
3 Deadlifts (245/165)

*Join regular 9 AM class for warm-up and to start with them, but replace the rows and air bikes with runs and make sure to pace the MetCon for the 2hr45 workout.

**Before every exercise, complete an 800m Run

Upper Body Muscle Building

3 x Hard* Supersets
a. Weighted Ring Dips
b. Weighted Strict Pull-ups
c. Butterfly Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*2-3 RIR
**Choose a variation that allows for 10-25 reps on your first round.


3 Rounds
a) Band Chest Flys
b) Band Reverse Flys
c) Strict Hanging Alternating Single Knee Raises

*2-3 RIR

CrossFit Competitor

Follow regular class programming and complete the first super set in the Upper Body Muscle Building section above.