Saturday October 1, 2022

Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 9 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 1 of 4

+Supplemental Work For: CrossFit Competitors*, Spartan Beast Prep, Upper Body Muscle Building

Daily, At-Home Mobility

Note: Schedule Change Today for DUBS:

DUBS Event 1:

For Time
Partners Share Reps Any Way with Only One Person Working at a Time
1,000m Row
100 Double DB Thrusters (50/35)*
100 Pull-ups**

Score is total time + penalties.

*Thruster Scaling Options
For every 5lbs below RX, add 1 Minute to the teams time.

**Pull-up Scaling Options:
Ring Rows (Add 4 Minutes to Team's Time)
Green + Purple Bands (Add 3 Minutes to Team's Time)
Green Bands (Add 2 Minutes to Team's Time)
Purple Bands (Add 1 Minute to Team's Time)

DUBS Event 2:

One Person Working at a Time
10-Mintue AMRAP


*Starting and EMOM:
12 Burpees to 25lb Plate (shared total) before team can continue back onto the cleans.

Score is
Total reps of person A x weight used
total reps of person B x weight used

DUBS Event 3:

2-Minute AMRAP
Air Bike for Distance

----5-Minute Rest*----
During Rest, both partners must complete a 200m Run at any pace

2-Minute AMRAP

Air Bike for Distance

Score is total Distance for team

Specialty Program Work

How and When to Add Bonus Work

Spartan Beast Prep

Instead of class

2-Hour & 30-Minute Slow Run*

*Every 20 minutes, 1-minute walk

Upper Body Muscle Building

3 x Hard* Supersets
a. Weighted Ring Dips
b. Weighted Strict Pull-ups
c. Butterfly Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*3-4 RIR
**Choose a variation that allows for 10-25 reps on your first round.


3 Rounds
a) Band Chest Flys
b) Band Reverse Flys
c) Strict Hanging Alternating Single Knee Raises

*3-4 RIR

CrossFit Competitor

Follow regular class programming and complete the first super set in the Upper Body Muscle Building section above.