Macrocycle: “Booty and the Spartan Beast” - Week 12 of 13
Mesocycle/Minicycle: Peak Week 4 of 4
Fit, Functional, and Healthy is Your Lifestyle
In addition to the mobility we do in class,
Perform 10-Minutes of Mobility, at Home, Every Day
Section 1: Power
Option 1
8 x 1:30 Rounds
1 Clean & Jerk (75%+)
Option 2
8 x 1:30 Rounds
1 DB One-arm Turkish Get-up (Medium+)
3 DB One-arm Clean and Push Presses
Section 2: MetCon
2 x 5-Minute AMRAPs* FIIT (5-Minute Rest)
1-2-3-4-...- (+1) Thrusters** (65%)
25%MAX Toes-to-bars***
*Restart 2nd AMRAP at 1 rep.
**Take bars from the floor and not from a rack.
***TTB should be between 5 & 10 reps each round. If you don't have a reasonable estimate of your TTB max, use the number 30 for your max and scale the exercise in a way that makes 3 reps easy (so you'll do 8 TTB each round).