8-Week MOMENTUM Results Program

to Upgrade the Rest of Your Life

How has Coach Kyle and Coach Kelly weighed the same (within a few pounds) for years without counting calories or weighing or measuring food? Fat cells release a hormone called leptin and our brains use the amount of leptin in our blood to calculate how much body fat we have. Based on our environment, lifestyle, and diet, our brains also determine a body fat set point. Our brian has many levers it can pull to manipulate our internal processes and our outward motivations in ways that move us towards that body fat set point. The losing game most people play is all about restriction and willpower. The winning game is about aligning our brain’s body fat set point with our goals, so that the vast majority of signals we are receiving are exactly in line with the choices we want ourselves to make.

Based on the latest in neuroscience, psychology, nutrition, fitness, and health and wellness, your coach will bridge the gap and not only provide you the information you need, but a perspective and strategies that makes upgrades to your life manageable and sustainable long-term. The secret is not at all about deprivation and always leaning on willpower, it’s about implementing strategies that make the choices you want yourself to make the easy choices.

Move past all the myths and misconceptions surrounding exercise and nutrition.

With the right strategies, the results and body you want are just around the corner!

Coaching, Insight, Accountability, Tools, and Strategies
learned from over 100,000 client hours at CrossFit City Limits.

We are ready to change your life, are you? Fill-out the contact from below for more information.

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The MOMENTUM Program is nothing like what you’ve tried. Our #1 goal is to have a profound and positive impact on your life. If you want to try a method that has gotten long-term, sustainable results for people who had thought they had tried everything, it’s time to put your efforts into something that works.

“If you are looking to make a lifestyle change, there is no one better to have on your team than the MOMENTUM coaches. Their love for nutrition and all things about living a healthy lifestyle is infectious. They will teach you and coach you in an incredibly knowledgeable and supportive way that increases your motivation to make lifelong changes. I have literally tried every "diet' trend out there and have spent the last 25 years of my life on a rollercoaster of weight loss and weight gain. It wasn't until I started MOMENTUM program that I had the support, encouragement, and tools to finally take control of my health. I have a completely different outlook and approach to how I fuel my body and I have broken lifelong habits that I honestly thought I would never be able to break. I am currently down 50+ pounds and am continuing to steadily lose weight while maintaining a LIFESTYLE that supports my goals. Not to be overly dramatic- but my life has truly been changed and it wouldn't have been possible without the knowledge, energy, and support from MOMENTUM.” -Heather Robinson (11 Months after Program Ended)

Change the direction of your life in just 8 weeks

We’ve got your back! When you go all in, we go all in!


100% Money Back Guarantee / Flexible Payment Plans Available

Limited Time Offer
Unlimited Free Fitness Classes

Included with Program!

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Fill-out the Form Above For More Information