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Flipp'n Felipe's Birthday and Graduation Party

  • Felipe's 4559 Avenue A - Apt 102 - Tia Rose Park Austin (map)
Felipe BBQ.jpg

From Felipe:

Since the last barbecue at my place was about a year ago, something tells me it's about time we had another go at it!!! And this year we'll have twice as much to celebrate: not only will it be my birthday (which deserves fanfare and fireworks in and of itself), but I'm also finally finishing grad school!!!! Yes, you read correctly: this thing that you've *definitely* heard me complaining about over the last five years is about to come to an end!!!! So come celebrate with me by eating some tasty barbecue, having some caipirinhas and chilling out by the pool!

As always, you can find the main details of the event in the FAQ below.

*Where/when is the BBQ happening?*
Saturday, March 7th, at 1PM at 4559 Avenue A - Apt 102 - Tia Rose Park
Google maps link:

*What will you, the host, provide?*
Here is a list of the things I will be providing:
    Chips and salsa
    Vinagrete (Brazilian-style pico-de-gallo)
    A few pounds of brisket, pork and beef sausages
    Endless joy
    Light of creation

*And what should I, the guest, bring?*
There are three main categories of things you can bring:
-Food: just bring whatever kind of food you'd like to eat. Chicken/pork/beef cuts to grill are always welcome, and so are finger foods and sweet stuff!
-Drinks: just bring whatever you'd like to drink. The easiest (and typically most well received) option tends to be beer, but other drinks such as soda, water, juice and unicorn smoothies work too
-Miscellaneous: It would be great if people would bring things like ice, plastic cups, plates and plastic silverware.
Note: If you bring drinks, please bring *CANS AND PLASTIC BOTTLES ONLY*. Unfortunately, glass bottles aren’t allowed in the grill/pool area.

*You know I don't eat meat. Why are you inviting me to a barbecue?*
That's because you're an awesome person and I'd like you to celebrate the special occasion with me regardless of what you do/don't eat! Food-wise, we can toss some veggies (or whatever you would like to eat) on the grill! And if you’re not comfortable sharing the grill with meat-stuff, we can also use the oven/stove in my kitchen! So please don't feel like you need to miss out on the fun because of dietary/eating restrictions!

*Can I bring a +1?*
Yes, you absolutely can! As always, the more the merrier. So bring a +2, +3 or even a +10! I just ask that each of your guests also help out and bring stuff to eat/drink too.

*Tell me more about that pool.*
This is actually pretty straightforward. There's a pool. You get in, splash around and amazingness ensues.
Important note: don't forget to bring your swimming gear, flip flops and towel!

*What will happen if it rains?*
If the weather is crappy, we can keep the party going inside the apartment and cook the food in the kitchen. So bad weather also can't be used as an excuse not to join!

*I have this weird mole on my back that just showed up the other day. Could you please check it out?*
Unfortunately, no I cannot. I am not a licensed dermatologist and cannot offer any kind of help on this subject. So please don't show me your mole.

*Why do you always write these ridiculously long invitation emails?*
Because for the last five years, most of my writing has involved dry analyses of statistical models and poor recountings of other dryly written papers. These invitations are some of the few creative outlets I have and they are part of the very select activities that have kept me sane. Please don't take this away from me.
Also, my brain finds it extremely rewarding to spend inordinate amounts of time on things that are completely pointless.

All kidding aside, I'd really like y'all to join me on this special day. It would be a pleasure and an honor to celebrate such an important occasion by your side.

Please let me know if you're planning on coming just so I have an idea of how many people are going to show up!

If you have any questions, you can email me at

As a wise man once said, "You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself, but please don't hurt each other!"

I hope to see y'all real soon!
