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Battle of the Bell VII

Battle of the Bell VII

The seventh installment of the Battle of the Bell series will be hosted at CrossFit Texas on Saturday, November 12th, starting at 9am. This is a competition series between us, CrossFit Texas and Voodoo CrossFit, where each gym puts together Rx (Alpha) and Scaled (Bravo) teams and battles it out for bragging rights. We have worked hard to streamline the competition (3 events down from 4), changing the format to smaller teams (3 guys and 3 girls) and increasing the number of volunteers. Should make for a shorter and smoother event. I realize this is short notice, but please let me know if you have interested ASAP! Workouts are listed below.



WOD 1: Clean Ladder

Each lifter will have 30 seconds to complete the lift and 10 seconds to rotate.

Bravo Women: 65/85/105/115/125/135/145/155
Bravo Men: 135/155/175/195/215/235/255/275

Alpha Women: 85/105/125/135/145/155/175/195
Alpha Men: 155/175/195/215/235/255/275/295

After a fail at a weight the lifter can immediately go into Deadlifts for .01 points per rep.

If they make a weight, they may go into Deadlifts if they choose, for .01 points per Deadlift. However, athlete cannot advance to next weight if they did Deadlifts.

All Bravo Women will go through first, Alpha Women will follow after the last Bravo woman has completed the 85lb Barbell. There will be a quick floor change to the Mens weights and Men will follow in the same manner.


Score: Two separate. Women's Total Combined Weight & Men's Total Combined Weight




1 Rower and 1 Log per team
Women Start on Rower, Men on Log.

On 3.2.1 Go, Women start Rowing as men run to Section 1 and complete 50 Log Squats. All must hit full bottom and then stand-up all the way up with a press of the log to the other shoulder. Full extension of the arm does not need to be achieved.

Once the 50 Squats (Alpha) / 40 Squats (Bravo) are complete, the log is moved to the next section and the group runs back and switches with the rowing group.

Section 1: Men on Log and Women on Row
Section 2: Women on Log and Men on Row
Section 3: Men on Log and Women on Row
Section 4: Women on Log and Men on Row

Event is done when women finish last 50 Squats (Alpha) / 40 Squats (Bravo) and sprint back to the mat where the men are rowing. All six athletes must be standing in the box for time to stop, this includes the last person on the rower.


Score: Total Time to complete, MINUS 1 second per Calorie Rowed. If you hit the time cap (20:00) ADD 1 second per rep missed on squats.



WOD 3: Rope Climbing with the Girls

Women go first as a team then men go when tagged in by the women. Partition as a team however you want minus the Rope Climbs. Each athlete must get 1 per round.

·      On Ropes each athlete must do 1 climb each round...Men 15’/Women 12’.

·      On the decent, athlete’s hands have to pass below the 8’ mark before the athlete can drop from the rope.

·      Alpha: 1 of each Male and Female must perform 1 Legless Rope Climb to designated height. If Alpha team chooses not do legless then 5 Standard Rope Climbs will be required.

·      Bravo 3 Rope Walks = 1 Rope Climb. 1 Male and Female must perform 1 Standard Rope Climb per round. Bravo may choose to sub 1 Standard Rope Climb for 3 Rope Walks.


For Time

FRAN: 21-15-9 Thrusters/Pull-ups 95/65 (75/55 Bravo, Ring Rows)

3 Rope Climbs

ISABEL: 30 Snatches 95/65 (75/55 Bravo)

3 Rope Climbs

ANNIE: 50-40-30-20-10 Alpha DU's/Bravo Single Unders/Sit-ups (SU: Shoulders must touch ground and Hands touch toes)

3 Rope Climbs

DT: 5 Rounds of 12-9-6 Deadlift/Hang Clean/Push Jerk (Alpha 155/105 / Bravo 115/75)


Score: Total time to complete. Add  1 second per rep missed if WOD is not completed under time cap (30:00).

Earlier Event: November 9
CFCL Soul Cycle Group Class
Later Event: December 16
Elf Pub Run