Re-Opening Plan - Phase 2

Starts Monday June 15

Phase 2:

After 4-weeks of testing our precautions and following the COVID-19 progress of information and cases, through our workout bubbles, cleaning of equipment, social distancing, and mask policies, we think we have created a low risk environment.  As of Monday June 15, 2020, the gym is moving to Phase 2 of our reopening.  We are continuing many of the precautions implemented in phase 1, but are lifting the class group and using the exact same workout bubble restrictions. Here are the bullet points and there is more detail below:

  • BEFORE YOU STEP FOOT IN THE GYM, you must register for class. Use your gym account in MindBody to register for classes. Classes will be capped at 14 people for now as we have 14 workout bubbles. You doing your part for the community and registering before you come into the gym is the only way we can control how many people we have in the gym. There is more info on registering below.

  • When you get to class, workout bubbles are first come first serve. There is no “saving” a workout bubble for someone. You need to get there early if you want more control over your bubble.

  • Do not borrow any equipment from another workout bubble. We learned in phase 1 that the slighted change in equipment causes a disaster of a ripple as more and more people are forced to borrow equipment. Use what it in your bubble and if you need something, please ask the coach. There is extra equipment that is not inside any bubbles. You may borrow that, but mujst put it back afterwards.

  • Class and open gym times will start out the same as the class group times were in phase 1.

  • Wear a mask on the gym’s property at all times, unless you are in a workout bubble.

  • Sanitize or wash you hands before you come into the gym.

  • Grab a clean towel when you come into the gym to use to clean your equipment before and after use. Be sure you are wearing your mask when you clean equipment after your workout.

  • Social distance. The workout bubbles are already distanced apart from each other, but you need to ensure that at all times you are maintaining at least 6 feet between you an anyone else. Unfortunately, no hugs, high-fives, or close conversations.

  • Do not come to the gym if you are feeling sick, in any way.

  • We are continuing our at-home WOD Blog options and virtual classes (M-Tu-F at 5:30 PM and Sa at 10 AM),

  • Remember, it’s not about what YOU think is appropriate in relation to COVID, it’s about being safe and getting it wrong on the safe side, even if we are a little annoyed and restricted for a bit. This only works with 100% buy-in from the community. Phase 1 buy-in was incredible, we just need to keep that up.

Here’s what that means to you:

Class Registration

Flexibility returns and members are no longer restricted to only attending their specific class groups. 

  • Classes are capped at 14 people on a first come first serve basis depending on when you register in our registration software, MindBody. 

  • You can register for any class time any day of the week. 

  • You can cancel as long as it is within an hour of class. 

  • If you don’t want a sad and disappointed email sent to you, you must register for classes you are going to attend and cancel any classes for which you registered for if you are not going to attend to open that space up for someone else. 

  • Please do not walk into the gym without being registered for the class. We are still limiting the number of people inside the gym and to ensure we do not break that protocol, you must register though MindBody BEFORE you step foot inside the gym.

  • To register, go to and click on Register in the upper menu bar.  If the class is full, MindBody will let you know and you can be added to the waitlist for that class. 

  • Remember, registration is for individual classes on individual days, so you must register each time you are coming to the gym.

  • Goofy things about MindBody that we cannot change:

    • You can only register for classes within a membership that has been paid. So, if your membership renews on the 1st, if it is the 31st, you may not be able to register for class on the 1st until your payment goes though…we know it’s ridiculous. But, if your payment went through on the 1st, you can register up to a month ahead of time.

    • You cannot register for a class late. MindBody closes customer registration when the class starts, so you’ll have to stand at the door, do not come in, and get the coaches attention, so they can 1) give you a frown-ie face, 2) make sure there is room for you in the class, and 3) spend time that they should be spending coaching registering your for class on their end. We understand that sometimes things happen and that’s fine, we just would love you to help us out as much as you can. We don’t have a front desk, so coaches wear many hats and we want them to be able to be coaches.

Class and Open Gym Times

Up-to-date class times will be in MindBody.  We are starting with the same times as in phase 1, but removing the class group and staying in the same bubble restrictions.  You can register for any class, any day as long as the class is not full.  If you are attending Open Gym, you again must register through MindBody.  Have we told you about registering through MindBody yet?


Every day a member is going to come into the gym, they will take their own temperature and perform a COVID-19 self assessment (

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, members or coaches should not come to the gym.  If you are a member and have symptoms, you need to email the gym ( to notify us.  

Masks, Washing Hands, and Gloves:

Masks are required.  Washing hands when you enter the gym is required.  Gloves are not required.  

We will have a hand sanitizing station you must use before you enter the gym. 

You should put your mask on while you are still in your car.  You should wear your mask 100% of the time you are on gym property (inside the gym and in the parking lot) unless you are in your “work out bubble.”


“Work Out Bubbles:”

We are creating “bubbles” in the gym.  These bubbles are not actual bubbles, but will be clearly marked on the ground.  When you come into the gym, you will go to a bubble.  Your bubble will contain a pull-up bar, a barbell, a box, etc., all the equipment you need to work out and all the supplies you need to clean your bubble when you arrive and leave.  You will put all your personal items in your bubble, so besides the restrooms, you come into the gym and go to your bubble.

In Phase 1, we kept people in the same bubble every time they came into the gym.  Now, in Phase 2, we are lifting this restriction.  We are still using bubbles, but they are on a first come first serve basis when you arrive for your class.

Do not remove or add anything to your bubble.  A lesson learned from Phase 1 is the gym quickly turns into chaos as soon as someone takes something from another bubble.  If you need anything, let your coach know and they will facilitate it.  Your bubble will be big enough to work out, will be spaced at a distance from others that we believe to be low risk of COVID-19 spread, and will contain the basics you need for class.  You will clean the equipment you are going to touch when you get into your bubble and clean your bubble when you’re leaving.  

*See the Work Out Bubble Layout in Appendix A of the Phase 1 Plan. 

Social Distancing:

The general guideline, even for a gym, is everyone should stay a minimum of 6ft apart.  But we are organizing the gym in a way that we can maintain about 15 ft or more most of the time.  

  • Bubbles will separate members by about 15 ft or more while they are working out.  

  • Non-bubble walkways will be clearly marked to help people navigate their way through the gym.

  • Members will maintain more than 6ft in all circumstances: parking lot, waiting for bathroom, walking to bubbles, sanitizing hands, etc. 

Additional Notes:

  • To remove walking to and waiting for the water fountain, the water fountain will be closed, so you should bring your own water.

  • Showers will still be closed.


So I can only go to one class time?

Nope, that was Phase 1.  In phase 2 you can attend any class on any day as long as you register for it in MindBody BEFORE you step foot in the door.  Classes will be capped at 14 people, so you must register to verify that we have a space for you in class.

What if the class time I want is full?

Unfortunately, that may happen.  A class is capped at 14 because that is how many workout bubbles we currently have set up. If a class is full, you’ll be able to join the waitlist on MindBody and if a space opens up, you’ll be notified.  But, if you are not registered for the class, please do not step foot inside the gym.

What days are the in-gym classes?

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  Again, this is temporary as we will add Wednesdays back in as soon as we get our coaching staff ramped back up.  On Wednesdays we will be providing a pure bodyweight workout that can be done at home.  

What happens if I register for a class, but can’t make it?

Please, please, please cancel the class through your MindBody account.  What happens if you don’t?  You’ll make the coaches very sad and potentially your inconsideration will keep someone who wanted to come to the gym from working out that day.  It will be a sad day for the community.

Will there be open gym? 

Yes.  You must register for open gym just like a class, so we can control how many people are in the gym at any given time.  Please do not step foot inside the gym without registering first.

Will you continue to offer at home options?

Yes.  We will hold a 5:30 PM virtual CrossFit class on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and at 10 AM on Saturday.


Password 5953

Do I need to return my equipment I borrowed?

If you are going to attend in-person classes, then yes. But, for those not yet ready to come back to classes, you can keep the equipment you are borrowing for now:)  

How do I return my equipment?

Email the gym at

How will you be cleaning the Gym?

The relevant equipment in the work out bubbles will be cleaned by the person in the bubble when they get there and when they are leaving.  The floors will also be cleaned.  A full gym cleaning by Austin Professional Cleaning will be done on Thursdays and on Saturdays.

When will the gym open up more?

Who knows:)  We are taking this one step at a time and making decisions off what we think a low risk environment looks like.  As we learn more we push and pull back wherever needed and to whatever extent needed.

Phase 1 (Expired)

We are sorry for the delay in information to y’all, but while other gyms have been planning what their reopening will look like to meet minimum mandates by the state, we have been trying to learn as much as possible to make decisions with the right priorities behind them.  The coaches have had hours of discussions about when and how to re-open and have discussed many pros and cons and we have come up with a phased re-opening that will begin on Monday, May 18.  

First of all, I want to thank you so incredibly much!  Your support through this difficult time is the only reason we are even able to re-open the doors.  Without your support, this email would have been a very different message.  Your participation by sending photos, joining in the at-home workouts and virtual classes, joining in the Private Facebook page, continuing memberships, donations, offers and actions to help, and just overall good vibes not only kept us afloat financially, but emotionally.  The only way we can repay everyone is to do everything to provide the best possible coaching, member experience, and community that we can.  Unfortunately, because we are in the middle of a pandemic the focus has shifted on the health and safety of the community first and foremost and we can not make decisions based on wanting barbells in our hands, being bored, wanting to regain those social connections, or even financially needing the gym to re-open.   

Below we have our assumptions, goals, and plan and I want to assure everyone that we came to the decisions with an extreme amount of thought and consideration.  While it seems almost every other gym was going to open regardless of the risk to clients, we prioritized considering if there was even a scenario that existed that created a low risk environment.  If we could not have come up with what we think is a low risk environment, we would not be opening.  If we learn that our environment does not have a good chance of being low risk, then we will make whatever changes necessary even the extreme of potentially having another temporary gym shut-down.  Creating a low risk environment is the first priority and as we learn more, we will adapt and update our policies.  We reserve the right to do a complete 180 and the right to do a complete 360 as we adapt to new information and understanding.  We are not pushing political lines and are trying to not fall for bias traps.  Every day more information comes out and we are not going to push a narrative for the simple fact that that’s what we originally said or a narrative that is just good for business.  We will update our thinking daily and implement everything we feel is helpful to maintain a low risk environment.  What the world needs right now is better data, more information, and until we get a handle on the situation, for everyone to try and stay low risk. When we think our environment is low risk AND it is viable to have the doors open, we will be open.  If that changes, we will be temporarily closed until we can create a low risk environment.

Table of Contents:

  • Assumptions

  • Goals

  • Plan

  • Protocols for a Positive COVID-19 Test or Someone With Symptoms

  • Appendix

  • FAQs

We are not experts and are doing as many things as we can to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19 through our community.  Here are the assumptions we are working off of:


  1. Government mandates are minimal requirements that we will meet, but we will follow expert guidance and not look at minimal requirements as best practices.

  2. We are wrong.  Our goal is to pay attention to the bigger picture, learn from experts, and adapt to get less and less wrong along the way.  

  3. Zero risk is impossible and is not and will never be the goal.  The goal is to create an environment where we THINK the spread of COVID-19 is low risk.  We will be updating what we THINK a low risk environment looks like as more information becomes available from leading experts.

  4. It seems that proximity and duration of exposure to the virus are two major factors on contracting COVID-19.  It appears to us that COVID-19 is spread primarily through the accumulation of virus particles through respiratory droplets.  These droplets can fall and land on surfaces and be inhaled through the air. Everyone is different and there’s no magic number of virus particles that will cause someone to get COVID-19.  It appears you can reach the threshold by a large blast of virus particles potentially from a sneeze, cough, or touch and it appears you can accumulate a threshold number of virus particles over a period of time, like inhaling smaller amounts of the virus over and over again from smaller particles in the air.  

  5. It seems the benefit of outdoor air vs indoor air is that outdoors, virus particles expelled from an infected person can dissipate better in the infinite air while indoors, the virus particles can hang around longer.  

  6. Ventilation getting outdoor air in and indoor air out seems advantageous to mitigating some risk of long duration exposure.   

  7. It appears the virus can spread from people who are asymptomatic.  So, there will be a population of people who potentially could spread the virus for a few days before they have symptoms and potentially people who end up being asymptomatic may be able to spread the virus and not every know (until antibody testing is improved) they had the virus.

  8. Because of this pre-symptom and asymptomatic potential of spread, we are assuming that at some point, someone with COVID-19 will be inside the gym.

  9. Pre-existing conditions and older populations are at higher risk of both contracting COVID-19 and having complications.


  • Mitigate the chance someone with COVID-19 comes inside the gym with self screening and education.

  • Mitigate the chance someone inside the gym with COVID-19 spreads the virus to anyone in the gym with exaggerated social distancing, attention to ventilation, and increased attention and frequency of cleaning.  

  • Mitigate the spread of the virus within the gym by only being in the gym with the exact same groups of people and by consistently only using the equipment in your “workout bubble.”

  • Create protocols for easily identifiable contact tracing strategies, quarantine, and updates to gym policies.

Phase 1 Plan


The foundation of this plan, assuming modifications along the way, will be in place for two weeks, from May 18 - May 31.  We want more information to constantly improve our plans.  We will determine how we will proceed in June as we learn more.

Gym Environment:


For this 2-week Phase, members will register for ONE specific class time.  Class times will be capped at 14 people. This will reduce the potential for one infected person to spread to a large number of different members and coaches.  Each class time will be coached by the same coach all week long so each member will only be inside the gym with the same 10 other people.  This will help us mitigate the chance of spread through the community, allow us to quarantine single groups in the gym, and to learn about our procedures. 

We are trying to create a low risk environment.  We do not want the virus to spread, but if it does, we want to be organized in a way to learn, act fast, and adapt.  In the, hopefully very low, chance COVID-19 is spread to people in the gym, keeping the same groups of people at specific class times will help us learn if the virus is spread to only people in close contact with the individual, those in the building at the same time, or if it is potentially spreading to others in other class times.

The initial class times are 6 AM with Jami and 5:30 PM with Kyle.  If these groups fill-up, we will add an 8:45 AM and a 4 PM class and will consider others as well.  There will be a link to a form to register for a class available on the WOD Blog at 5:00 PM on Friday May 15.


Every day a member is going to come into the gym, they will take their own temperature and perform a COVID-19 self assessment (

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, members or coaches should not come to the gym.  If you are a member and have symptoms, you need to email the gym ( to notify us.  

We have decided to not take temperatures at the gym for now.  We would prefer to lean on social distancing practices instead of getting close to each other to take temperatures.  Members are required to take their temperature every work out day as part of the self screen provided.

Masks, Washing Hands, and Gloves:

Masks are required.  Washing hands when you enter the gym is required.  Gloves are not required.  

We will have a hand sanitizing station you must use before you enter the gym. 

You should put your mask on while you are still in your car.  You should wear your mask 100% of the time you are on gym property (inside the gym and in the parking lot) unless you are in your “work out bubble.”


“Work Out Bubbles:”

We are creating “bubbles” in the gym.  These bubbles are not actual bubbles, but will be clearly marked with chalk on the ground.  Your buble will contain a pull-up bar, a barbell, a box, etc., all the equipment you need to work out and all the supplies you need to clean your bubble when you arrive and leave.  You will put all your personal items in your bubble, so besides the restrooms, you come into the gym and go to your bubble.

When you come into the gym, you will use the same bubble every time, so will be using the same equipment and be in the same spot in the gym consistently.  Your bubble will be big enough to work out and will be spaced at a distance from others that we THINK will be low risk of COVID-19 spread.  Others will use your bubble in the day, but it will be the same people consistently.  You will clean the equipment you are going to touch when you get into your bubble and clean your bubble when you’re leaving.  

These bubbles will not only make it easy to social distance, but again, in the event that COVID-19 does spread, using the same bubbles will help us identify how the virus is likely being spread: by sharing classes, equipment, or the building.

*See Work out Bubble Layout in Appendix A. 

Social Distancing:

The general guideline, even for a gym, is everyone should stay a minimum of 6ft apart.  But we are organizing the gym in a way that we can maintain about 15 ft or more most of the time.  

  • Bubbles will separate members by about 15 ft or more while they are working out.  

  • Non-bubble walkways will be clearly marked to help people navigate their way through the gym.

  • Members will maintain more than 6ft in all circumstances: parking lot, waiting for bathroom, walking to bubbles, sanitizing hands, etc. 

Additional Notes:

  • To remove walking to and waiting for the water fountain, the water fountain will be closed, so you should bring your own water.

  • Showers will be closed.

Protocols for a Positive COVID-19 Test or Someone With Symptoms

Because of HIPPA laws and personal health information protection, unfortunately, we have to be really careful of how we notify people of what is going on.  The amount of information we can provide everyone will depend on the level of information the individual allows us to share.  Without the members approval, we will not be able to share any health information that can be tracked back to a particular individual.  So, if we are being vague, it is not with a sleazy intent, but a personal health information protective intent.  

We will be able to inform you when someone has symptoms or has tested positive within the gym, but, depending on the situation, you may not be able to know if that person is in your class or bubble.  We will track closely and if there is community spread, we will swiftly take the necessary actions.  We can share more information with you if you don’t know who else shares your bubble, if anyone, so please don’t share that information outside of class.  

If you share the status of your symptoms and/or COVID-19 test results, here’s how we will use it: 

Scenario: A member just doesn’t feel well.

  1. That member stays home.

  2. That member emails the gym ( to notify them.  It cannot be required but would be much appreciated if that member shares why they are staying home.

  3. If symptoms persist, the member should self-quarantine and get tested for COVID-19. 

*We don’t want to jump straight to a 2-week self-quarantine because we think that protocol would de-motivate someone to stay home in the first place.  Some days we don’t feel 100% and we need to stay home on those days. If we think it may be coronavirus or flu, we should be respectful and stay home until we know one way or the other. 

Scenario: A member has symptoms of COVID-19

  1. That member self-quarantines gets tested for COVID-19 and follows all the self-quarantine guideline given to them by their health care professional.

  2. That member emails the gym ( about not being in the class anymore.  It cannot be required but would be much appreciated if that member shares what is going on, so we know what groups to make announcements to.

  3. Everyone who is participating in any class at the gym will be notified that someone has symptoms of COVID-19. 

  4. Possible Community Spread Mitigation:

    1. If two people from the same class have symptoms of COVID-19, that class will be temporarily cancelled and those members must self-quarantine until we have enough information to make a judgement call.

    2. If two people from the bubble have symptoms of COVID-19, that bubble will be temporarily closed and those members must self-quarantine until we have enough information to make a judgement call.

    3. If two people from a class or from the same bubble AND one additional person has symptoms of COVID-19, we will temporarily cancel the appropriate classes/bubbles/gym as needed.


Scenario: A Member Tests Positive for COVID-19

  1. That member self-quarantines based on the guidance given by their health professionals.

  2. That member emails the gym ( with status and updates about not being in the class anymore.  It cannot be required but would be much appreciated if that member shares what is going on, so we know what groups to make announcements to.

  3. Everyone who is participating in any class at the gym will be notified that someone has tested positive for COVID-19. 

  4. Possible Community Spread Mitigation:

    1. If another person from the same class has symptoms of COVID-19, that class will be temporarily cancelled and those members must self-quarantine until we have enough information to make a judgement call.

    2. If another person from that bubble has symptoms of COVID-19, that bubble will be temporarily closed and those members must self-quarantine until we have enough information to make a judgement call.

    3. If another person from class or from the same bubble AND one additional person has symptoms of COVID-19, we will temporarily cancel the appropriate classes/bubbles/gym as needed.

Coaches will follow the same protocols.  There is a chance that members will show up to a class and the coach has self quarantined.  In that situation, members should just follow all the same guidelines and complete the workout on their own as best as they can.  We’ll provide the classes the back door code, so they can let themselves in and close up afterwards.

Appendix A - Work out Bubbles

Each class will contain the same people every time.  Each person will be in the same work out bubble every class.  To spread out, members will use both upstairs and downstairs.  Each square in the diagram is 1ft x 1 ft making each workout bubble at least 12 ft x 12 ft.

Work out Bubbles - Lower Area

CFCL Bubble Layout - Lower.jpg

Work out Bubbles - Upper Area

CFCL Bubble Layout - Upper.jpg


So I can only go to one class time?

Yes, for the next two weeks between May 18 and May 31, if you register when there is still a space available.

What if the class time I want is full?

We’ll cross that bridge if we get there and we will work to figure something out.  Unfortunately, we think 10 members spreading out in the gym at one time is the best place to start and we think it is important to limit the number of contacts each member has, so members will be restricted to a single class time and that class time will be capped at 14 people.  We plan on having up to 4 classes and will consider going up to 6 for this first phase.  We want to accommodate everyone who wants to come to the gym in the most flexible way possible, but the priority is creating a low risk environment, so we are going to ease back into a more flexible scheduling system.

There may be people who are willing to trade class times once the dust settles from registration, so we can help people get in contact with everyone to see if anyone is willing to trade classes for certain circumstances. 

What days are the in-gym classes?

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  Again, this is temporary for the weeks between May 18 and May 31.  On Wednesdays we will be providing a pure running workout that can be done at home.  We don’t know classes opinions on Saturday classes, but since we are going to keep groups together, we will have to wait to talk to the groups to see if there is a schedule that makes sense for Saturdays.

If I register for a class, do I have to go every day?

No.  You must come to at least 3 classes each week or we may give your spot to someone else.  

If you have a 3x a Week Membership, you can still register for one of the classes. 

If you quarantine yourself because you were not feeling great, like in “Scenario: A member just doesn’t feel well” from above that day does not count against you.  Staying home because you don’t feel well is as good of a choice as working out.

What about my own personal equipment?  I have a barbell I keep at the gym.

We want to minimize how often people have to walk around the gym outside of their bubbles, so we can go case by case, but ideally personal equipment will stay in your bubble and we will let anyone else who shares your bubble from other classes know if they can use that equipment or if they should leave it alone.

Will there be open gym? 

Not in phase 1 between May 18 and May 31.  We hope to learn a lot in the next two weeks and update our plans in June.

Will you continue to offer at home options?

Yes.  We will hold a 5:30 PM virtual CrossFit class on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and at 10 AM on Saturday.

Wednesdays will be a running only workouts and we will not be hosting a virtual class.


Password 5953

Do I need to return my equipment I borrowed?

Yes. But, for those not yet ready to come back to classes, we will be lending out a pair of dumbbells. On Saturday May 16 between 9 AM and 11 AM all equipment needs to be returned to the gym.  If you only have a pair of dumbbells you can keep them for now.  If you are not going to come to class and you want to borrow a pair of dumbbells that is not yet available, we will put you on a list and set aside the appropriate dumbbells for you to pick up at a later date.  

How do I return my equipment?

On Saturday May 16 between 9 AM and 11 AM you drive to the back of the gym and unload your equipment onto the back porch. 

The coaches and member-volunteers with clean the equipment and bring it into the gym. If you are not going to be coming to classes yet and want to borrow a pair of dumbbells, a coach will help you figure that part out.

How will you be cleaning the Gym?

The relevant equipment in the work out bubbles will be cleaned by the person in the bubble when they get there and when they are leaving.  The floors will also be cleaned.  The bathrooms and other high touch surfaces will be cleaned after each class.  A full gym cleaning by Austin Professional Cleaning will be done on Thursdays and on Saturdays.

When will the gym open up more?

Who knows:)  We are taking this one step at a time and making decisions off what we think a low risk environment looks like.  As we learn more we push and pull back wherever needed and to whatever extent needed.