Looking for the best CrossFit gym in Austin, TX?


We are not your typical CrossFit gym in Austin, or in the world for that matter.  Why is CrossFit City Limits the best in Austin?  

Our Mission:

Among the marketing, myths, and mis-guidance in the health and fitness industry, CrossFit City Limits is dedicated to providing each individual community member the coaching and support needed to get results, as defined by each individual. Our business strategy is to put the member experience over any business strategy. We have created and continue developing a gym that encompass everything you need while taking into account the realities and demands of real life. CrossFit City Limits is designed to get individualized results with the most enjoyable experience possible.

What makes us the best in Austin? It is our understanding of individuality and context. Most other gyms simply try and get their members good at CrossFit. Although on the surface this doesn’t sound like a bad thing, the distinction here is that there are two separate things: CrossFit training CrossFit competitions and CrossFit training for your goals. Some people like to compete in CrossFit and we support our competitive members with everything we have. The mistake is when people’s goals are more general in nature, lose weight, feel good, and simply get healthy and fit, and their coaches train them and push them to compete in the sport of CrossFit. Without getting too deep here, the way someone would squat to develop full range of motion, strength, and body control for the real world, is a completely different beast than squatting with Olympic weightlifting shoes, knee sleeves, weight belts,etc., to a partial range of motion to prepare for a competition. The goal, for most, is not just to get good at CrossFit and working out in the gym. Our goal is to get you to your goals, whatever they may be. If it is to be generally healthy and fit, to run in an obstacle course race, to be healthy and fit into your nineties, or to compete in a sport or CrossFit, our goal to to provide you the insight and training for you to most efficiently reach your goals. That means modifying workouts and plans and providing information and support to customize your experience. If you train for the sport of CrossFit, but have goals of simply losing weight and feeling good, then you are missing the mark. We will use CrossFit methodologies and principles applied to you in context of your personal goals. If you are doing things in context, when you get good at what you are doing in the gym, it will have a high transfer to your real world goals.

We have designed our CrossFit classes around small group personal training to provide YOU exactly what YOU need.  Most CrossFit gyms in Austin herd people around like cattle for an hour as they coach generally to the whole class.  At CrossFit City Limits, our expert coaches understand that you are an individual with individual needs and goals.  As coaches, our goal it to ensure you know what you are doing, understand how to perform the movements safely and efficiently, and have the personal instruction needed to continue making progress month after month.  Whether you are new newbie or an elite athlete, we will get you to the next level.

The CrossFit Workout Program:

We run, bike, row, we lift weights, we do gymnastics and body weight exercises, and we do it in as many different ways and combinations as possible.  What we do is not random.  We take great pride in providing the best workout program for a wide range of goals. Through work-out cycles and methods proven to work time and time again, we increase strength, endurance, flexibility, stamina, speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy.  We improve body composition and make you all-around healthier.  We are a community of like-minded, everyday people, who understand the importance of a healthy life/fitness balance and a community that see tremendous carry over from the gym into everyday life and activities.

Ready to see why we are the best CrossFit gym in Austin, TX?